
Online you say.......

Wow, what a crazy couple of weeks.  When Kevin produced his 2020 prediction article back in January, little did we expect the whole world to change so drastically in just a matter of weeks!  The current crisis is on a scale few of us could have imagined in our wildest of dreams.

Saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, is top of everyone’s agenda at present and we all must do what we can to support the Government, our NHS, colleagues, family members and the Delta Community.

We are continuing to operate through the lockdown, surprisingly there are still lots of projects which require critical equipment, such as our drainage systems to ensure homes are maintained during this unprecedented period and in doing our part for the economy, we shall continue to pay our suppliers in the same timely manner that we always have done to ensure the supply chain is completely supported.

Kevin has remained at the helm of the Delta HQ overseeing this process.

We are continually monitoring guidelines and advice provided by Public Health England, Build UK, the Government (to name just a few) whilst being fully committed to making the right decisions for our staff and customers.  We respectfully ask that no one visits Delta HQ.

We are committed to providing a service that’s as close to ‘business as usual’ and our #TechnicalTeam have adjusted incredibly well to working remotely.  Surprisingly Delta has received a 10-20% increase in online traffic as users are working from home and increasingly dependent on online information for specifications.

Some of the projects we are currently receiving will hopefully be a good indication of a strong bounce back once this crisis has passed.  We very much hope you are coping with the enormity of it all.

At this time of uncertainty, we’d like to thank you, our customers for your continued understanding as we work hard to maintain ‘business as usual’.

As of today, our Technical Team have real time software to enable them to offer CPD Seminars, Training Workshops, document exchange and to ensure we maintain our approachability.

We will continue to post on our social channels, so please follow us and we’ll share some things to lift your spirits, whilst keeping to best practice advice and guidance.  Our online CPD is available on our website, as are our “how to” video guides.   We are planning on taking this opportunity to broaden our Brochure Suite with the introduction of new materials – watch this space!

We know that lots of our customers are experiencing uncertainty, so we thought we’d offer few pearls of wisdom.

  • Try not to worry too much about tomorrow.  Whilst we would love construction to go back immediately to the same ‘normal’ we had a couple of weeks ago, think about what the future may look like next year.
  • Don’t offer false reassurances, tell it like it is.
  • Don’t try to offer answers to questions you do not know the answers to.
  • Take every day as it comes.  We’re all in this together and there is no COVID-19 manual.
  • Don’t avoid taking tough decisions.  Talk!!
  • Where possible, pay.  If you can continue to pay for services purely to support other small family businesses at this difficult time, we’ll all hopefully survive this period.
  • Ensure you maintain your mental health – especially if you are isolating.

Set your shoulders, lift your chin – we’ve got this.

Stay well

Chris, Kevin, David & Brian

Delta Directors

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