
COVID19 has definitely impacted on how we go around our normal business

One aspect which has seen a dramatic change is delivery of our CPD seminars.

Before COVID19, we would typically meet with architects, specifiers, developers, engineers and contractors to present our CPD seminars/presentations in a training room environment.  One of the positive impacts from COVID has seen a dramatic demand for virtual and online seminars.  This new approach is certainly a popular alternative.  Top professionals are now able to learn where and when they want and in the comfort of their own homes.

One of Delta’s Technical Consultant’s Paul Green, CSSW, share’s his thoughts on this approach.

Paul said “There are lots I love about my job, but a highlight for me has always been presenting seminars.  From building relationships to improving standards, helping in learning journeys and offering educating on topics I’m passionate about is extremely rewarding and fun.

One of the best ways to learn is to teach. Creating a great presentation requires vast amounts of time and knowledge, you have to know your materials and subjects inside out. You have to prepare carefully, believe it or not it’s also an excellent opportunity to brush up on old skills.

Presenting is an awesome challenge, especially now – to live, big audiences. To deliver a great seminar you need to be 100% focused, ensuring the delivery of a 45-minute presentation holds attention is no mean feat, but by the question and answer session and receiving interest feedback is a great feeling!

The Delta brand goes way, way back to 1893 and is utilised globally, in the UK, we have a nationwide network of qualified technical consultants, with well over 200 years of combined experience, spread across all aspects of the water and gas proofing and related industries, who have won construction awards for innovation.

I’m incredibly proud to be part of the Delta machine.”

Reasons to attend a Delta CPD

We offer a wide range of seminars aimed at professional development and technician training at all levels.  Whether you’re studying with us for personal development, to enhance your career prospects, or to increase your knowledge of structural waterproofing, damp proofing, ground gas protection or flood resilience, you can expect flexible education of the highest standard.

Because we want to make it as easy as possible for you to learn with us, seminars are held every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 am or on a contact and booking basis for times and dates which suit you.

We’re committed to improving access to our seminars and will shortly have all available online and on demand which gives you the flexibility to study at a time that suits your schedule.

For more information on Delta’s seminars please visit our website: https://www.deltamembranes.com/training/ or email: info@deltamembranes.com

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